New Year's Resolutions: Making Life Resolutions That Stick
New Year’s resolutions are always fun to think about, but let’s be honest – most people don’t make it past mid-January before they decide to skip the gym or let go of their goals. My approach is a little different. Around 3 years ago, I decided to start my New Year’s resolution on December 1st. Why? Because I knew it would be the toughest time to stick to it – the holidays with all the candy, pies, and parties are everywhere!
It was during this time that I stumbled upon a show called Limitless with Chris Hemsworth, and little did I know that watching this show would completely change my life. Hemsworth introduced the benefits of cold water therapy, and I decided to try it out. At the time, I was in my early fifties and realized it was time to get in the best shape of my life.
After watching the show, I headed straight to my pool, which was about 40 degrees. With a history of knee surgeries from high school football and a chainsaw accident, my knees were in constant pain. I lasted about 3 minutes in the water, only getting the cold water up to my knees. But when I woke up the next morning, my knees didn’t hurt nearly as much. I thought, No way! Could cold water have done this? This became the start of my daily cold plunge journey.
It took about 4 weeks before I could submerge my whole body (except my head), and it was extremely hard at first. Every time I got into that cold water, my mind screamed, This is too cold! I can’t do this! But I pushed through, and after several months, both my mind and body were completely transformed. My knees no longer hurt, I was feeling great, and I even started lifting weights and doing cardio again.
By the time I started cold plunging, I was about 260 lbs, had high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and was in pretty poor shape overall. But cold plunging gave me laser focus and mental clarity like I had never experienced. It also helped me deal with stress and anxiety. After a few months, I was determined to get into the best shape of my life. Watching my father struggle with his health inspired me to take action before it was too late.
I thought, What could push me even more than the cold plunge? So I decided to take it to the next level and do it at 4:15 am. Yes, at 4:15 in the morning! It was tough, but my goal was to get fully submerged before 4:20 am. I also invested in a cold plunge that keeps the water at a constant 39 degrees, which was a game-changer when spring came around. My wife encouraged me to buy it, saying, It’ll be cheaper than your future medical bills!
After starting my daily cold plunges at 4:15 am, I began reading daily devotions on the YouVersion Bible app and praying while in the cold water. I’d stay in for about 6 minutes (recommended is 3, but I wanted to take it to the next level). Below is my routine, which I’ve been following almost every day for over two years:
My Daily Routine (1-22)
Alarm goes off at 4:15 am and I never hit snooze.
I thank God for 3 new things every day before my feet hit the floor.
I do NOT look at social media, texts, emails, or messages but grab my phone to prepare for the day.
Turn on towel heater to warm my workout gear that I set out the night before.
Get in the cold plunge for 6-7 minutes.
Read my daily devotion on the YouVersion Bible app.
Pray (for a growing list of friends and family) and put on the full armor of God.
Get out of the plunge, stand on the ground for 2 minutes (grounding), and start my breathing techniques.
Red light therapy for 25 minutes while stretching or doing light workouts.
Drink my pre-workout and creatine (no coffee).
Get ready for the gym and head out by 5:00 am.
Listen to praise and worship music all the way to the gym.
Warm-up for 10 minutes and then hit the weights for 30 minutes.
Cardio for 30 minutes.
Leave the gym around 6:50 am.
Drink apple cider vinegar, honey, turmeric, and cayenne pepper.
Hydrate with hydrogen water (8-10 times per day!).
Take my daughter to school around 7:30 am.
Walk 2 miles with my wife in the morning at 8:00 am. (goal is 10,000 steps before 9:00 am)
KaChava superfood protein shake with flaxseeds, spirulina, and other green superfoods.
Take my daily supplements, including ginger, tart cherry, and my 10x Health System supplements.
Start work at 9:00 am, feeling like I’ve already conquered the day.
Starting my day with thankfulness and prayer is important to me, but it’s also about starting the day spiritually, mentally, and physically. That balance has truly transformed my life, and I want to encourage others to think beyond just New Year’s resolutions. Start improving your life, not just for a year, but for a lifetime.
Two weeks ago, I had my annual physical, and my doctor told me everything looked perfect – almost no inflammation, and I’m no longer on any medications. Plus, I’m now at 198 lbs! What a difference cold plunging and a holistic morning routine can make.
This journey wasn’t easy for me, but with dedication, consistency, and a lot of prayers, I was able to push through and make it happen. It took time, discipline, and a willingness to embrace discomfort, but I can confidently say that change is possible for anyone who is committed to the process. If I can do it, so can you! I hope this encourages someone to make a life-changing event for their life and take that first step toward becoming the best version of themselves!
#NewYearsResolutions #ColdPlunge #HealthyLiving #ColdWaterTherapy #MentalClarity #FitnessJourney #RealEstateMindset #DailyRoutine #BestShapeOfMyLife #WyattPoindexter #LifeChanging #PhysicalAndMentalHealth #OklahomaRealEstate